Videogames, reviews and news
the latest video game news, reviews of the most exciting releases, and interviews with the industry’s biggest names. We cover everything from PlayStation and Xbox blockbusters, to quirky ...
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Saturday, August 5, 2023
How to earn money with Splinterlands?
Video games that make use of blockchain technology are among the most popular titles today.
One of their most attractive features is that they offer their users the possibility of generating real income by playing.
One of the most popular titles today is Splinterlands, which features gameplay very similar to Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and other similar card games.
I invite you to continue reading the article if you want to know how to earn money with Splinterlands.
What is Splinterlands? and How to play Splinterlands?
Splinterlands is a blockchain-based decentralized trading card video game that allows its users to battle against other players, as well as sell and trade cards using an NFT marketplace based on the Ethereum and OpenSea network.
In this way, players can have full control over their digital assets. Originally the game was released on the Steem community. However, it currently operates on the Hive blockchain.
If you are wondering how Splinterlands works, once you start the game, you will receive a set of cards that you can use for your first battles. However, these will only be a loan, they will not belong to you.
If you want to start your own collection of NFT cards, you will need to purchase the “Summoner's Spellbook”, which is worth 10 USD.
This can be in somewhat of a contrast to the "Play-to-win" approach of the game. However, this prevents the cards from losing value.
How the cards work
As with some of the most popular card games today, the cards come in different designs and special editions. This gives them some pretty big collectible appeal in an NFT way.
But the main aspect of the game is the battles. In order to win, it is necessary to put together an effective strategy by combining the best cards.
Splinterlands cards fall into two different categories: Monsters and Summoners.
In this way, the Monsters will participate in the combats and the Summoners will lead them.
Regardless of what type of card it is, they all share some fundamental attributes with each other, these being:
- Skills: Also known as "Special Effects", they are particular qualities of each card that affect enemies.
- Level: Every time a card levels up, it will improve its stats and may even gain new abilities. To increase the levels, you will have to combine multiple Monster or Summoner cards into one.
- Mana: The mana represents the power of each card, it is a very important point to take into account when building a team.
- Rarity: If the rarity of a card is high, it will have a higher sale value.
- Foil: Cards that have gold foil will have a higher rarity. These have more value for collectors, so if becoming one is not your intention, it is better to sell them.
- Splinter: This characteristic defines the affinity of a card, a very important aspect to consider when participating in a battle.
How to earn money with Splinterlands?
As soon as you start winning matches, you will start earning rewards. There are three kinds of items that you can earn in Splinterlands, these being:
- Potions: Potions can be used to increase your chances of getting a rare card, as well as loot chests or mystery prizes.
- Dark Energy Crystals (DEC): Dark Energy Crystals, also known as DEC, are the main economic unit in the game. It is a tradeable token that is obtained by selling cards, winning battles or opening mysterious chests.
- Cards: Cards are one of the main rewards in the game. Getting duplicate cards will help you level up your creatures. On the other hand, you can sell those that do not interest you in exchange for DEC.
Thus, if you are looking to make money with Splinterlands, it will be necessary to obtain DEC. For this, you will have to win battles, open mysterious chests or sell rare cards.
By doing so, you will receive DEC, which you can later exchange for other crypto assets.
DECs can be used on Tron, Ethereum, Hive, and Steem. Therefore, to withdraw them, it will be necessary to have a wallet in one of these networks and link it to Splinterlands.
To achieve this, all you have to do is go to the upper right corner of the screen and click on the username to display a small menu.
After this, the option “Link External Wallet” must be selected. Once the wallet is set up, it will be possible to withdraw the tokens easily.
In this case, Tron is a particularly recommended option, since Dark Energy Crystals can be traded directly from the TronTrade platform. In this way, you will be able to earn money with Splinterlands.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Tres ejemplo de superación de la mujer de color en 1950
A excepción de la pelicula, ( Alien el 8 pasajero ), no he visto a personajes femeninos principales en el espacio en la pantalla, a pesar de que 60 astronautas (biólogos, ingenieros, etc.) han estado en el espacio. Si empiezo a hablar de esta gran pelicula, cuenta no una, sino tres grandes historias, tres grandes mujeres y una gran historia de convivencia en la NASA, durante la carrera espacial que finalmente envió humanos a la luna en 1962. Lo hace atrapando a la audiencia en sus asientos, porque la historia es rápida, fluida y muy interesante. Kevin Costner también jugó un gran papel, de hecho no había tenido una película tan buena en muchos años
Esta pelicula confirma que mas mujeres han estado tan comprometidas con la carrera espacial como los hombres desde la 1950.
Quienes son estas mujeres?
Por lo tanto, esta película tiene un tema poderoso y fascinante: tres mujeres con genios científicos participaron en un viaje espacial interesante y fascinante. En pelicula nos hacer como las mujeres afroamericana en una empresa que todavía está organizada en base a la discriminación racial y de género. Haga todo lo posible para abrirse paso (Sobre todo en la escena de los baños). Afortunadamente, tanto en la realidad como en esta película basada en estos hechos, el sentido común eventualmente prevalecerá sobre el racismo y el machismo. Entonces vimos en el video cómo comenzó en esos impactantes años 60 en los Estados Unidos. La forma física de hacer que la capacidad y la inteligencia superen la raza y el género. Sin embargo, esta película no es del tipo que intenta enseñarnos política.
Entonces, la trama que encontramos no solo es rica, sino también lo suficientemente realista como para tratarla (aunque puede ser más profunda, eso es obvio. Pero lo que nos da es suficiente). El desarrollo de la trama es también muy preciso, vívido y anguloso (la película también tiene curiosidad y alegría irónica y humorística). "Personajes ocultos" no dejarán paso a aburridos en ningún momento, y siempre despertarán el interés de la gente, ya sea (la forma de conseguir una nave espacial que no se queme inmediatamente después del despegue) u otros (Catherine y sus compañeros luchan por encontrar un lugar en el escritorio en la misma fila con compañeros blancos y masculinos.
En definitiva, estamos ante una película histórica que, siendo una obra maestra memorable, se hace exitosa gracias a unas actrices poderosas y algunas eminentes. Y gracias a esta peliculas nos hacen ver, lo dificil que lo tenia la mujer y mas siendo negra
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
El gran desafío de Hollywood
después 5 años de los ataques terroristas en Estados Unidos, Hollywood desafió el tema. Un tema dificil y complicado, que podría caer fácilmente en el ridículo o en el sentimentalismo más fácil. No fue asi, los productores tuvieron el buen gusto de contratar a Greengrass, un director que ha demostrado sobradamente su talento y su solvencia.
Greengrass centró sus acciones en dos puntos: Por un lado, los controladores. Por otro lado, el secuestro del avión. Este es el primer punto donde reside el mayor interés de la película. La reconstrucción que experimentó el controlador ese día fue simplemente espectacular. Si observais detenidamente los detalles, puede ver que el autor estaba de buen humor cuando ingresó al puesto de mando. Quizás ese tipo de interpretación a nivel milimétrico pueda parecer repetitivo o un poco pesado, pero ya sabemos que al director le gusta inyectar un fuerte sentimiento documental en su trabajo.
Sí, toda la película está llena de un realismo cruel y es fácil evitar el sensacionalismo. Inevitablemente, cuando te concentras en lo que sucedió en ese nivel, las cosas se vuelven más tradicionales. Aunque elegir actores completamente desconocidos para interpretar a estos héroes cotidianos es un gran éxito. La película aquí se convierte en un homenaje a todos los que, lamentablemente, tomaron uno de los aviones ese día.
Pero como dije, cada minuto del controlador es mucho más interesante para mí. ¿Cómo se dio cuenta gradualmente la gente de la magnitud de esta tragedia? Cuenta todo con un pulso enorme (me gusta usar una cámara y nunca quedarme quieto, Greengrass lo hace), y al mismo tiempo, desde la contención.
Debemos felicitarnos, la primera película de Hollywood sobre este tema es más que una película que vale la pena ver. Sigo pensando que la última media hora no es tan interesante, más tradicional y sentimental... pero es inevitable. Por otro lado, esto puede dar miedo.
Para resumir, esta es una película de bajo presupuesto de un director de actores desconocidos pero de sublime e inusual calidad.
Filmado como un semi-documental, nos cuenta la odisea desde el punto de vista del United Flight 93, el único avión que no pudo llegar gracias a unos pocos pasajeros que se rebelaron contra los islamistas radicales. No es en absoluto un ejercicio de patriotismo de mercado lo que llena el mercado de Hollywood, al contrario, es un ejercicio de inteligencia que logra hacerte entrecerrar los ojos a lo largo de los minutos.
Así que no lo piense y vea que esta gran película supera con creces a la del Sr. Oliver Stone.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
cyberpunk 2077 - Gameplay (PC HD)
If there is a game that is expected like May water it is, without a doubt, 'Cyberpunk 2077'. The new title of CD Projekt Red, creators of the 'The Witcher' saga, aims to be a mammoth game in every way and I can attest to that, because I've been waiting for almost 1 months to get the demo, and finally I got it...........
Personalization elevated to its maximum exponent
Once we have the character we jump into the world of 'Cyberpunk 2077' and the only thing we can do is stay spellbound looking at infinity. The futuristic aesthetic is very successful and Night City breathes in every street and corner. All the streets are full of NPCs that we can interact with. There are policemen who will start to get upset if we go overboard, armed groups who will shoot us if we get close, street fights and, ultimately, activity.
'Cyberpunk 2077' is a first-person game, something that at first didn't quite convince me and that after four hours of playing it has ended up falling in love with me. ¿Why? Because 'Cyberpunk 2077' is a roleplay. We play our role and immerse ourselves in our character. That it is in the first person helps to get into the story, to be part of the city and not a mere spectator. How the characters look at us, how we look out onto the balconies and see the neons and flying cars, all of this creates a perfect atmosphere that integrates us fully into the hustle and bustle of Night City.
The cyberpunk aesthetic is very complicated. This baby of the movies and series of the 80s that placed us in a future dystopia not too far away. Movies like Neuromancer, 'Blade Runner', 'Judge Dredd' or 'Akira' already imagined a world of this type and 'Cyberpunk' follows this line, but fills it with color. All the buildings, characters, enemies, companions, premises and vehicles are filled with colors, neon, screens, touch buttons and other nerd-friendly treats.
During the day, Night City brims with life and invites us not only to go on the main missions and kill the enemies, but to explore, discover its corners, go up to the buildings, go down to the basements and enjoy that futuristic aesthetic. At night, the lights are the real stars of the game. Imagine a movie like 'Blade Runner', but with everything full of neons, banners, lights and colors.

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<center> <h3> The power of decisions </h3> </center>
One of the keys to the RPG genre is decision making. 'Cyberpunk 2077' shines brilliantly in this aspect not only because we have to take them, which also, but because everything counts. Do you think that one decision is not going to have an impact on the rest of the plot? You are wrong, you are very wrong. Anything we say or do has a real impact on the main line.
It's just a very simple example of the power of decision making in 'Cyberpunk 2077'. So much so that there is a mission that has 12 different paths. 12 roads, to be said soon. One of them, of course, is the Pacific. If before the mission we get the money that they ask us for the robot, we give it to them, we take it and we leave there so excited. This not only applies to this mission, but to the entire game. Literally, they have confirmed that we can play the game without killing anyone, although we will have to exert violence at some point.

The dialogues are very well integrated into the game. We have one or two options that open the plot to us, but also many others that give us more context of the lore or the mission. In the same way, there are dialogues with a time limit that, if we skip, they can end well or not. Also, on some occasions, we can interrupt someone who is speaking to us with our line of dialogue, which makes the conversation feel natural and not like a turn-based battle.
In the dialogue parts, our class and skill tree will also play a fundamental role. There are lines that only a Street Kid or a Corpo can say, and there are others that we can select if we have a certain well-developed skill. For example, at one point in the game we talked to a hacker and, since I had the "Intelligence" branch empowered, I was able to talk to her about her equipment and the hardware she used. These dialog lines are marked with the icon of the corresponding branch.
Not only will our decisions in the form of dialogues open and close doors for us, but so will our skill and attribute tree. For the test, I mainly strengthened "Body" and "Intelligence", which allowed me a better handling of firearms. My way of solving all the collisions was shooting, but that was my way. The beauty of 'Cyberpunk 2077' is that everyone can have their own.

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<center> <h3> No time to get bored </h3> </center>
Anyone who has played 'The Witcher 3' will know that it is a huge game. There are countless things to do, mini-games that ended up becoming titles with their own entity ('Gwent') and secondary and accessory missions everywhere. 'Cyberpunk 2077' is exactly the same. The demo I have played, which is nothing more than a tutorial, can last up to 10 hours. The main story is somewhat shorter than that of 'The Witcher', which lasted about 35 hours if we did only the plot and about 130 hours with the secondary missions, so we can get an idea of the universe in front of us. This one, by the way, will have its own series on Netflix.
Of course, in 'Cyberpunk 2077' they have not forgotten about the police. I have been killed more than once during the test, mainly because my driving skills can be improved and it is likely that at some point I have accidentally run over someone. The more "vandals" we are, the more our search level will increase, the more aggressive the police will be and the more shots we will have to hit. As in 'GTA V', without going any further.

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<center> <h3> What I think of the game after playing
</h3> </center>
***'Cyberpunk 2077' is a game aimed at fans of the RPG genre, and I consider that to be a key point to keep in mind. I don't think 'Cyberpunk 2077' is a game for everyone, as 'The Witcher 3', 'GTA V' and other RPGs are not. It is a title that, if you do not like the genre, can become heavy (this and any other of the style, of course). It also requires greater attention and not to miss the details, because if you blink you lose it, and the plot does not seem to be exactly simple.***
***That said, the only thing we can do is wait for it to be released at the end of the year to be able to analyze and enjoy it. In the absence of knowing the rest of the story, what I have been able to see and play I really liked, and if this is only part of the epilogue, I do not even want to imagine what awaits us on the streets of Night City.***
Saturday, September 19, 2020
PES 2021 Season Update TORRENT
eFootball PES 2020 (eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020) is a football simulation video game developed by PES Productions and published by Konami for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android and IOS. The game is the 19th installment in the eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer series and was launched worldwide on 10 September 2019, and was launched in Japan on 12 September 2019. The new game features a name change with the addition of 'eFootball' within the title, symbolizing a push in the online gaming space with a focus on eFootball Pro tournaments. Lionel Messi returns as the cover star of the standard edition, since his last appearance on the cover of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, alongside Pro Evolution Soccer ambassadors Serge Gnabry, Miralem Pjanić and Scott McTominay, each representing one of the game's partner clubs. featured on the cover of the legend edition.
The mobile version reached 300 million downloads by June 2020.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Crusader.Kings.III-GoldBerg descarga en torrent
Get access to the Sarajevo Six Campaign in HITMAN World of Assassination and take on six bonus contracts that tell a self-contained side s...

A excepción de la pelicula, ( Alien el 8 pasajero ), no he visto a personajes femeninos principales en el espacio en la pantalla, a pes...
Iron Harvest is a real-time strategy game (RTS) set in the alternate reality of 1920+, just after the end of the Great War. The Game lets ...
Video games that make use of blockchain technology are among the most popular titles today. One of their most attractive features is that ...